Facelift can help restore confidence and reverse the signs of aging. However, not all facelift techniques are the same. At Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery, Drs. Mark A. Foglietti and Alanna F. Fostyk use the Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift® technique. Dr. Foglietti relied on his many years of specialized training and experience to develop this approach. Here, we discuss the Foglietti approach to facelift and how it restores a more youthful facial contour.
What Is the Foglietti Approach To Facelift?
Traditional facelifts can tighten sagging and loose skin. However, the traditional approach can be a very obvious plastic surgery procedure. Instead of leaving the operating room with a natural, more youthful appearance, patients may emerge with a “windswept” appearance.
Drs. Foglietti and Fostyk take great care in helping patients achieve their desired aesthetic results. That is why they use the Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift technique over the traditional facelift procedure. The Foglietti approach accentuates the patient’s natural facial contours, while also creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.
During the procedure, the surgeon delicately creates incisions along the hairline and then lifts the skin to access the subdermal tissues of the face. The surgeon then sculpts the tissue to create the desired modifications. Excess tissue and skin are then tightened in accordance with the natural contours of the face, avoiding the overly pulled look of a traditional facelift. The neck area can also be sculpted to enhance the appearance of the jawline.
Restored Facial Contour
Every face is unique. That is why any facelift procedure should be customized to meet the unique needs of the patient. Unfortunately, many traditional facelift techniques simply focus on tightening the skin. While this approach can be effective for creating a youthful look, it ignores the unique attributes of the patient’s face.
The Foglietti approach takes into account the distinctive contours of the patient’s face. It highlights the patient’s natural facial structure while creating a more youthful appearance. Drs. Foglietti and Fostyk rely on their skilled hands to lift and tighten skin and their trained eyes to ensure the result is restorative.
The Foglietti approach can address many signs of aging. Patients may benefit from this approach if they have concerns about the skin on their face appearing to be saggy or hanging. They may also benefit from the Foglietti approach if they are bothered by jowls or a slackened jawline. The Foglietti technique can be combined with additional procedures to achieve optimal results.
Learn More About the Foglietti Approach To Facelift
If you want to learn more about the Foglietti approach to facelift, schedule a consultation with us today by calling (216) 292-6800.