Choosing the right breast implants is a major decision, and we understand why patients are often curious about whether silicone or saline is a better implant material.
At Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery in Beachwood, OH, serving the Cleveland area, our highly trained board-certified surgeons, Dr. Mark Foglietti and Dr. Alanna Foglietti Fostyk, believe our patients deserve only the best in proven technology — and time has proven, over and over, that silicone implants are superior to saline.
Our surgeons know this better than anyone: They’re renowned for their extensive expertise in breast augmentation. Dr. Foglietti even holds patents on innovative breast implant designs, showcasing his dedication to helping patients achieve results they love.
Here are five reasons why silicone implants outshine saline in every way:
1. A Natural Look and Feel
Silicone implants closely replicate the texture and softness of natural breast tissue, making them virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. Whether wearing a fitted dress, a bikini, or lounging at home, silicone implants provide a realistic appearance and feel. This natural quality often helps patients feel more confident and comfortable in their skin.
In contrast, saline implants can look artificial and often lack the natural breast tissue feel. They may feel too firm, while silicone feels real.
2. Stability
Silicone implants come in round and “gummy bear” (teardrop shape). While both are remarkably stable, gummy bear implants are slightly firmer and are incredibly good at retaining their shape.
They’re made of a form-stable gel, so gummy bear implants retain their form even when cut.
Saline implants may deflate over time, but silicone implants remain stable and resilient.
3. Advanced Technology
Silicone implants benefit from medical technology advancements, prioritizing safety and performance. These innovations reduce the risks of complications and ensure that the implants adapt well to your body.
At Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery, we use only the most advanced implants to deliver optimal results. In contrast, saline implants have evolved very little over the last few decades.
4. Reduced Rippling
Saline implants are more prone to rippling, which can sometimes be seen or felt through the skin. This adds to their often-unnatural appearance and feel.
Silicone implants minimize this issue, providing a smooth and consistent texture. This is particularly important for patients with less natural breast tissue, as it ensures a more seamless appearance.
5. Proportionate and Personalized Results
We offer silicone implants to fit any need, from subtle volume enhancement to dramatic changes. Whether you prefer a round or teardrop shape, we can tailor your implants to fit your body’s proportions and your desired aesthetic.
This customization allows for results that look natural, balanced, and uniquely suited to you.
Silicone Implants: Consultations in Beachwood, OH
If you’re in the Cleveland area and ready to learn more about the benefits of silicone implants, call Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery in Beachwood, OH, at 216-292-6800 to schedule a consultation.