Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery | 22901 Millcreek Blvd. Suite 145, Beachwood, OH 44122

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I developed cellulite in the thighs and bottom; even at my best weight it is still visible. What is the cause of cellulite and do the treatments that are available really work? Answer: The dimpled or cottage-cheese appearance is caused by the structural difference between cellulite fat and normal fat. Both cellulite fat and… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: My husband is a 43-year-old man who exercises regularly but is still very self conscious about his appearance because he has breasts. (if you call them that on a man?) He won’t even go to the pool in the summer because he’s uncomfortable being shirtless in public. No matter how much he works out,… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: After nursing three children, my breasts are sagging and significantly smaller. I’ve been thinking about having a breast lift, but I’m concerned about ending up with really small breasts and also about the scars that result from the surgery. Do the scars fade eventually or will they always be visible? Answer: It is very… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: Do breast implants interfere with mammography and can a mammogram injure the implants? Answer: This is a question that I address with all of my breast implant patients. The answer depends upon whether the implant is surgically placed above or below the pectoralis (chest) muscle. Most of the time in very small- or medium-sized… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: Can an actress like Angelina Jolie have lip augmentation that looks natural and lasts in definitely? Answer: I am not certain that Angelina Jolie has had lip augmentation. I have seen photos of her at a young age and she had very full lips. Voluptuous lips are definitely the trend today and have been… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: My friend was telling me about a new procedure she saw being done on TV called a thread lift or feather lift; what is it and how is it performed? Answer: The thread lift and a variation called the feather lift have both received an enormous amount of media attention lately. They are procedures… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I’m 44 years old and have developed wrinkles around my eyes and lines around my mouth. I’ve read ads for both Botox and Restylane but am confused about which would work best for me. Are there significant differences between the two products? Answer: Botox and Restylane are excellent products that function in completely different… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I have been considering having breast enlargement surgery and recently saw a news report that silicone implants may soon get FDA approval for use again. Are silicone implants safer now than in the ’90s when they were banned and are they better than saline? Answer: The reality is that silicone gel implants were never… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I am 42 years old and have sagging eyebrows. I cannot see my upper eyelids and it is worthless for me to attempt wearing eye shadow. This runs in my family. Will Botox lift my eyebrows or will I need surgery? Sincerely, J.D. Answer: Your question is important because it addresses two different types… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I am 34 years old and have three children. I have a C-section scar and loose skin around my belly button. Even though I am the weight I was prior to having children and work out at least twice a week, I can’t seem to tighten my tummy. I’m not going to have any… Read More

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22901 Millcreek Blvd. Suite 145
Beachwood, OH 44122


(216) 292-6800

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Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed