A good facial profile depends on symmetry. If the chin is abnormally small or receding, it can make other features, such as the nose, look larger. Such a chin can ruin your profile. Drs. Mark Foglietti and Alanna Fostyk of Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery discuss how chin augmentation can improve the facial profiles of men and women.
Chin Augmentation and Profiles
Would chin augmentation improve your profile? Here’s an easy way to tell: When looking in the mirror, draw an imaginary line from your nasal base — the lower third of the nose when the head tilts back — and your chin. Ideally, the chin extends to this line. If it doesn’t, that creates facial asymmetry.
For men, a chin that projects just slightly beyond this imaginary line may offer the best results. Women usually prefer a chin extending to the line or a millimeter or so behind it.
A More Youthful Appearance
Because chin augmentation redefines the jawline, it leads to a more youthful profile. That’s true for men and women. The appearance of jowls is reduced. It’s a relatively minor cosmetic procedure that can take years off the appearance of your face.
Strong Chins for Men
A term of opprobrium for certain men is “chinless wonder.” This unkind term refers to men deemed weak or indecisive. A strong chin has always been a sign of masculinity and a key element of an attractive male profile. Men with weaker chins are perceived as having less confidence and power. Weak chins are those that do not project enough to match your other features, such as your forehead, lips or nose.
For many men, chin augmentation is truly transformational. People just respond to you differently — both personally and professionally. Your personality, character and abilities don’t change because of chin augmentation, but people’s perceptions of these qualities do.
Proportion, Proportion, Proportion
A profile is all about proportion. For women, chin augmentation may create a more balanced profile. As noted, chin implants can reduce the appearance of the size of the nose in your profile. The redefining of the jawline via chin augmentation puts your profile in proportion. When your profile is proportionate, you look and feel more attractive. That’s a tremendous boost in self-confidence! Self-confidence is very alluring.
Schedule a Consultation
If you would like more information on chin augmentation and how it would improve your profile and overall appearance, schedule a consultation with Drs. Mark Foglietti and Alanna Fostyk of Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery today.