With facelift, your new look unfolds in three phases: It begins with the image you visualize, becomes reality in surgery, and is finally unveiled in recovery. That final phase is an afterthought for many patients, but it is a key to your ultimate satisfaction.
Below, the experienced Cleveland-area plastic surgeons of Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery review the timeline for facelift recovery, and what you can do to ensure optimal healing.
New Directions: The Vector Facelift® Difference
Facelift patients often choose Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery to benefit from Dr. Mark Foglietti’s pioneering surgical innovation, the Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift®. The procedure promotes a natural-looking result, avoiding many of the issues that can lead to disappointing outcomes with traditional facelift, such as a frozen or “windswept” appearance.
The name of the procedure is descriptive of the surgical technique: Your surgeon will tighten the facial tissue covering underlying muscle in multiple directions, or vectors. This counteracts the sagging that occurs as we age. The tissue is then returned to its original, younger position.
Healing Begins
Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift® takes only a few hours. When you awaken from general anesthesia, you will feel tightness and tenderness near your incisions. The area will be covered with a dressing that will also hold in place tubes that stay in 24 hours to drain fluid and reduce swelling. Patients tolerate this procedure extremely well and have minimal pain afterwards.
Swelling Subsides
Your body will heal at its own pace; it’s important not to rush your recovery. Plan to stay home for one to two weeks. You should be able to resume most normal activities in a month, although your face will continue to heal for up to a year.
As soon as possible, you should begin walking around to boost circulation, support optimal healing and prevent blood clots. Straining, lifting and bending should be avoided, however. By the second day, you will be able to wash your hair, and you can use makeup again in about two weeks. Not surprisingly, you will need to sleep on your back with your head elevated during this delicate period.
Eat healthfully, drinking plenty of water and avoiding high-sodium foods that can aggravate swelling. As a general rule, you should avoid alcohol, niacin and aspirin products. Get plenty of rest and follow the postoperative routine recommended by Dr. Foglietti or Dr. Fostyk. You will return to our office the day after your surgery, and again within the week for removal of sutures.
For more information on facelift, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Foglietti or Dr. Fostyk by contacting Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery today.