Question: I am 47 years old and I am starting to get fullness under my chin, prominent creases around my mouth and crow’s feet around my eyes. I know that one day I will probably have a facelift, but I’m just not ready for the jump to major surgery yet. Is there anything that I can do now that will buy me some time?
Answer: It is not unusual for me to begin performing facial rejuvenation surgery on patients in their forties. When you are younger, your healing time is shorter, and the fact that you have had facial surgery is much less obvious. However, patients who are just not ready for the standard facelift surgeries can benefit from a number of less invasive procedures. The fullness under the chin, submental lipodystrophy, (also known as the wattle) can easily be treated in the office with a minimal liposuction procedure. The wattle is removed and the recovery time is only a few days. The creases around your mouth can be treated with a variety of fillers such as Restylane, Cosmoplast, or Collagen, depending upon which suits you the best. Crow’s feet and lines in the forehead are treated very well with Botox. Also, a more permanent filler such as Radiance can be used to enhance the cheek bones and chin shape. These non-invasive procedures can all be performed during an office visit, resulting in a greatly enhanced appearance with minimal down time. All require a plastic surgeon with experience in such cosmetic procedures. I strongly recommend a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery.
Submit your questions to “Ask the Plastic Surgeon” atallnewu@AOL.com. Questions may be condensed and reformatted for the column.
Questions are answered by Dr. Mark A. Foglietti, a nationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon and author.
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