Question: I was hoping you could clarify a disagreement that my sister and I are currently having. I have my 40th High School reunion coming up in August and her daughter is getting married in June. We both have a “wish list†of cosmetic procedures that we’re considering. I booked an appointment with your office for the end of February but my sister said she’s going to wait until April to set something up! I told her she wouldn’t have enough time to do it before the wedding! Am I right??
Answer: If you and your sister are anything like many of my patients you’ve been dieting, working out and searching for the perfect outfit for your events! There is nothing more frustrating than spending all of that time, only to look in the mirror a few weeks before the occasion to see a tired and (in your mind) OLD person. The wrinkles, belly pooch, bags under your eyes, jowls or saggy neck, that you meant to do something about, are still there!
Now is the time to consider how you want to look for these events! After all, weddings are probably the single most photographed events for families, creating pictures that are viewed for decades afterward. Reunions, be it high school or college, prompt a longing in most people to look attractive and successful. We all want to show how well we’ve turned out!
If you’re considering a face or neck lift, tummy tuck or breast lift, you will need to provide adequate time for recovery, at the least, 5 weeks. Other procedures, such as liposuction, laser treatment of fine lines, or eyelid surgery, shouldn’t need as long a recovery time.
An often over-looked issue when planning a cosmetic procedure is the time that it takes to get an appointment with a preferred surgeon for a consultation (possibly two) and then for the surgical procedure. Just because you’re ready to have something done doesn’t mean that there will openings in a surgeon’s schedule immediately. As a general rule, a well-respected, experienced surgeon is a busy one and will have their calendar filled many weeks to months in advance. There are occasionally cancellations that can be filled but it’s always better to be safe than sorry and plan ahead!