Question: My 14-year-old daughter has inherited my family’s nose. It is a large nose with a bump. She is very attractive but feels that her face is overwhelmed by her nose. This has bothered her for several years. Her father and I have decided that if she would like to have nasal surgery, we would support her decision. At what age do you recommend nasal surgery?
Answer: I commend you for being supportive of your daughter’s concerns. It is very important that a potential patient chooses surgery for the right reasons. Too often, the parents or a significant other is encouraging the surgery when the potential patient is not dissatisfied with his or her appearance. This is a red flag not to operate. I require that a young woman be at least 16 years of age prior to rhinoplasty (nose reshaping surgery), depending upon their individual physical maturity. Since males mature later than females, I require that young men be at least 18 years of age prior to elective nasal surgery. Rhinoplasty can definitely refine a patient’s face and enhance their self esteem. It is a safe procedure with reliable results when performed by an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon. I suggest that you accompany your child to the consultation with her doctor. You should discuss with the surgeon your daughter’s expectations, making sure that they are realistic. Also expect to discuss possible surgical results, healing time and the risks and potential complications specific to the procedure.
Submit your questions to “Ask the Plastic Surgeon” at allnewu@AOL.com. Questions may be condensed and reformatted for the column.
Questions are answered by Dr. Mark A. Foglietti, a nationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon
and author.