When you come to Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery for a breast or body procedure, you will receive a compression garment to wear in the weeks following your surgery. Drs. Mark A. Foglietti and Alanna F. Fostyk want to stress that these garments are not just parting gifts they thought might make you feel more comfortable — they are essential tools to aid in your recovery. The benefits of wearing a compression garment include:
They Reduce Swelling, Bruising and Scarring
After your surgery, your body will start to produce extra fluids as it heals. Unfortunately, these fluids can build up, which leads to swelling. In addition to prolonging your recovery period, swelling can also put your body in increased discomfort. Compression garments help prevent some of these problems by placing pressure evenly around the ailing parts of your body. This pressure should make it more difficult for the fluids to accumulate in the treated area, and help to absorb any excess fluids that do congregate there.
Bruising occurs when blood vessels leak blood that discolors the surrounding skin tissue. The less you bleed, the less significant and ongoing the bruising should be. Compression garments serve two purposes here: the tightness helps put a stop to bleeding and keeps the blood from getting close enough to the surface of the skin where the discoloration is visible.
Better Results — And Sooner!
By virtue of holding your skin in place, your compression garment will help to maintain the contours your surgeon created during surgery. Your skin is also less likely to sag later on if it is carefully held in place for a while as it heals. That is why patients who follow through with their compression garments usually get the best results.
Moreover, as already mentioned, compression garments accelerate healing. If you are hoping to show off your new, enhanced look as soon as possible, wearing your compression garment is a great way to achieve that goal.
Speak to the Doctors
It is the hope of Drs. Foglietti and Fostyk that patients who understand the full benefits of compression garments will be more inclined to follow instructions and wear their compression garments full-time for the first several weeks of recovery. If you have any specific questions about plastic surgery recovery, please contact their office at (216) 292-6800.