Some of the most satisfied people we treat at Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery are breast reduction patients. That is because these women are not only thrilled with the way their surgical results look, but they also tend to feel much better in the months following surgery too. After hearing the ways that their lives have changed for the better, we want to share some of the reasons women are so happy with their breast reduction.
The Disappearance of Chronic Pain
One of the most frequent reasons women finally decide to seek breast reduction is the presence of chronic pain. Large breasts can be a source of aches in the neck, back and shoulders, and can even affect the curvature of your spine. Without having to carry around so much weight, breast reduction patients usually find relief that even pain medications could not provide.
It Becomes Easier to Lose Weight
In addition to losing literal pounds of breast tissue from their bodies, breast reduction patients often find that they are finally able to attain other fitness goals post-surgery. Big breasts can make certain exercises, particularly a lot of cardiovascular activities, that much more challenging. With a more manageable breast size and the help of a nice sports bra, women find that physical activity is not nearly the chore they once considered it to be.
New Clothing Possibilities
Women with a large bust size often find themselves limited when it comes to fashion. Certain clothing items never seem to fit, while other items do not seem appropriate to wear given how much of the chest it shows off. With smaller breasts, however, these same women are excited to expand their closets with items they previously considered off-limits and can express themselves more freely.
Have you been contemplating getting breast reduction? Drs. Mark A. Foglietti and Alanna F. Fostyk would be happy to discuss the procedure with you in more detail to see if it is a good fit for you. If you are concerned that your breasts are holding you back, schedule a consultation by calling (216) 292-6800 today.