Gynecomastia is a medical condition resulting in the enlargement of breast tissue in men and boys. At Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery, Drs. Mark A. Foglietti and Alanna F. Fostyk understand that gynecomastia can be a difficult subject to discuss. That is why we provide a compassionate and respectful environment for patients to discuss their concerns and treatment options. One treatment option for gynecomastia is male breast reduction. During male breast reduction surgery, excess fat, skin and tissue are removed from the chest area. The breast is then reshaped to create a flatter chest with a more classically masculine appearance. Below we will discuss common reasons why men have breast reduction.
Gynecomastia can be physically uncomfortable. If a man has excess fat, glandular tissue and skin on his chest, this discomfort can be amplified. Men may decide to have gynecomastia surgery because they are experiencing discomfort as a result of folds of breast skin rubbing against other skin. This can occur during everyday activities as well as during exercise.
Men may also experience excess sweating under their breasts, skin irritation, rashes and/or chafing. All of this discomfort can be alleviated with male breast reduction. Male breast reduction performed by an experienced plastic surgeon reduces the size of the breasts, ensuring that there are no skin folds rubbing against other skin.
Mental and Emotional Health
For many men, gynecomastia can cause mental and emotional health issues. Many men report the following:
- Anxiety about taking their shirt off in public
- Feelings of self-consciousness or embarrassment due to their breasts
- Having low self-esteem
- Feeling like they are somehow “less of a man” because of their breasts
- Experiencing depression or social isolation due to their breasts
These mental and emotional health issues can have a detrimental impact on a person. If you have gynecomastia and are experiencing any of the above problems, then male breast reduction surgery may be right for you.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is important to both mental and physical health. Gynecomastia can make men unable or reluctant to participate in certain physical activities. They may not want to participate in activities that require undressing in front of other men or going shirtless. Additionally, men may be unable to engage in certain activities due to their condition, especially running, jumping or chest-focused exercises that may make their chest appear more pronounced.
Find Out If Male Breast Reduction Is Right For You
If you are wondering whether male breast reduction is right for you, Drs. Foglietti and Fostyk can help. To learn more about male breast reduction surgery, schedule a one-on-one consultation by calling (216) 292-6800 today.