Also Serving Breast Patients in Beachwood

Tubular breasts refer to a condition that is caused by a congenital abnormality that prevents the breasts from developing normally during puberty. They can affect how you look and feel in certain clothing and may even be a source of insecurity for some. While tubular breasts, also known as tuberous breasts, may not pose a risk to your health, many patients seek to improve their appearance. At Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery, our doctors understand that patients with tubular breasts want to look and feel their best. Our practice offers tubular breast correction surgery to help improve the shape and appearance of their breasts.
About Tubular Breasts
Tubular breasts can affect one or both breasts and may appear slightly different from patient to patient. They may not become apparent until puberty when their shape begins to take form. If you notice any of the following, you may have tubular breasts:
- Too little skin under the areola
- Not enough fullness under the areola
- An areola that is large or outward protruding
- Breasts that have more volume on top than at the bottom
- Breasts that are narrow or tubular in shape
- Breasts that point downward
Tubular Breast Correction
Structural Fat Grafting: Structural fat grafting is a procedure that is performed to help correct tubular breasts. This procedure involves harvesting fat from the patient’s own body from one or more areas that have excess fat to spare. These areas can include the inner and outer thighs, upper arms, back, buttocks, abdomen, knees, and calves, for example. The fat is then prepared and grafted to the areas that require correction. This type of restoration involves reshaping the breasts and restoring volume to them, often focusing on the volume-depleted lower half of tuberous breasts. This procedure appeals to both men and women who would like to see more proportionate breasts.
Tubular Breast Augmentation: Another option for tuberous breast correction is augmentation surgery. This procedure involves the skillful use of breast implants to alter the shape of the breasts and correct their tubular appearance. You may also be presented with the choice to modify the appearance of the areola for a more proportional look.
Tuberous breast correction is a procedure to improve the look of the breasts so that they look more natural, proportionate, and perky. When you meet with the doctors at Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery, your concerns will be heard and a customized treatment plan will be crafted for you.
Recovery and Results
Following your procedure, you will need to adhere to any aftercare instructions. You will need to pay attention to any activity restrictions. It is common to have pain and swelling after surgery, and any discomfort is well-managed with pain medications. After your swelling subsites, you will begin to see your new, improved breast shape. Your new breasts should appear more symmetrical and contribute to a shapelier figure. You may even experience a boost in confidence from your new appearance.
Enhance Your Appearance in Beachwood
Our skilled team of experts is ready to help you on your cosmetic journey. If you are ready to correct your tubular breasts and achieve a more youthful breast shape, do not delay in contacting our office to get started.