Also Serving Mastopexy Patients in Beachwood

Do you long for the days when your breasts held a perky and youthful appearance without the help of your bra? There are many factors that contribute to the downward descent of the breasts, including pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight fluctuations. Fortunately, a solution exists in breast lift. Also known as mastopexy, breast lift addresses breast sag (ptosis) by reshaping and elevating the breasts to a higher and more younger-looking position on the chest wall.
In breast surgery, there is no substitute for experience. Drs. Mark A. Foglietti and Alanna Foglietti Fostyk have performed hundreds of breast lift operations. They combine their technical expertise with up-to-date technologies and an artistic sense to deliver consistently beautiful and natural-looking results. If you’re embarrassed about saggy, shapeless breasts, Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery invites you to learn how mastopexy can lift your breasts —and your self-confidence!
Am I a Candidate for Breast Lift?
You may benefit from breast lift if you:
- Are bothered or embarrassed by sagging breasts
- Have downward pointing nipples or if they sit
below the natural breast crease line - Have asymmetrical breasts
- Have overly large or stretched out areolas
- Have reasonable expectations for what can be
achieved with breast lift - Are aware of the potential risk of surgery
- Are in good general health
Breast Lift Procedure Details
Breast lift is performed as an outpatient procedure, generally under general anesthesia. There are three main incision techniques that can be used during breast lift, depending on your skin quality and aesthetic goals:
- Periareolar incision: made around the outer
perimeter of the areola - Vertical or lollipop incision: made around the
areola and vertically down to the breast crease - Anchor-shaped incision: uses the periareolar and
lollipop incisions as well as a third incision that extends horizontally
underneath the natural breast crease
Once the incisions are made, the surgeon will lift and reshape the underlying tissues, improving the breast contour. Excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is re-draped over the re-sculpted breast. The nipple and areola are repositioned higher on the breast mound for a more natural-looking appearance. Once all of the agreed-upon modifications are made, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures and dress the breasts with soft bandages and a surgical bra.
Do I Need Implants, Too?

If, in addition to lifted breasts, you desire more fullness and cleavage, you may be a suitable candidate for breast lift with implants. Our surgeons can place silicone gel or saline implants to boost the size and shape of your breasts while improving their position on the chest wall. If you desire smaller breasts, liposuction can be performed during breast lift to remove excess tissue and fat. Our surgeons will discuss all of your breast enhancement options in detail with you to help you choose the best treatment plan.
Breast Lift Recovery
Your breasts will appear bruised and will be swollen for several months. During your recovery you can expect the usual discomforts of surgical recovery, including pain and sometimes localized numbness.
Your doctor will prescribe medication to relieve pain, and provide guidance on ways to limit your physical activity. At night, you’ll want to sleep on your back with pillows elevating your upper body.
Although you will need to avoid most physical stress, walking is recommended as a practical way to reduce your risk of developing a blood clot. Walking and drinking plenty of fluids can also help reduce swelling of the breasts. And, when done with a friend, family member or furry companion, walking is always a great way to lift your spirits. You will wear a support bra when you first return home. You should not wear underwire bras for six weeks after surgery.
Breast Lift FAQs
What are the benefits of a breast lift?
A breast lift performed by the experienced Cleveland-area plastic surgeons of Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery reverses sagging and restores a youthful profile by elevating the breasts on the chest. Sagging can occur as a result of pregnancy, changes in weight or simply the passage of time. A breast lift can also help restore symmetry, when ligaments have relaxed to a greater extent in one breast compared to the other. And, the procedure can return low or downward-pointing nipples to a natural position and appearance.
Will a lift increase the size of my breasts?
Increasing the size is not a primary goal, although women can choose to have breast implants placed in conjunction with a lift procedure.
What if I intend to have more children?
Pregnancy and nursing are two of the factors that cause the breasts to sag, and so it is a good idea to wait until you are reasonably sure you won’t have more children before having a breast lift.
Are the results permanent?
You’ve turned back the clock with your breast lift, but you haven’t eliminated time or gravity. You can be confident, however, that your breasts will look perky and youthful, in the absence of a new pregnancy or dramatic changes in weight. The smaller your breasts, the more likely that you’ll retain your youthful profile. If in the future you find that your breasts have begun to sag, there is no risk to repeating the procedure.
Will I have scars?
A breast lift involves an incision and the removal of skin, so some scarring is inevitable. The plastic surgeons of Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery always use the least invasive techniques, resulting in the shortest scars. For most breast lift procedures, there will be a scar around each areola and a vertical scar that reaches under the breast as well as an incision hidden in the inframammary crease. Your doctor will discuss with you steps you can take during the recovery process to ensure that that your incisions heal quickly and cleanly, minimizing the appearance of scars.
How much downtime can I expect?
A woman working in an office job should typically be able to return to work after a week.
Perky, youthful breasts are possible again with breast lift. To learn more about the procedure or the other breast enhancement procedures Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery offers, schedule a personal consultation. Call (216) 292-6800 or email our Cleveland office today.