If your procedure has been delayed because of the recent suspension of elective surgery, you’ve had plenty of time to think about the operation and recovery.
That can be a good thing, when you are motivated to prepare by stocking the refrigerator, filling prescriptions and planning activities to keep yourself busy as you heal. But too much focus on that boldly circled day on the calendar can also lead to unnecessary worry. Here, the experienced Cleveland-area plastic surgeons of Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery suggest ways to efficiently prepare both mind and body for your rescheduled procedure.
Tranquility Base
Allaying anxiety begins with managing emotions and expectations. The key to this is knowledge. Keeping yourself informed is an important aspect of preparing yourself for surgery. Learning as much as you can about your procedure, and asking your doctor questions, calms nerves and breeds reassurance. Dr. Foglietti and Dr. Fostyk take the time to answer every question a patient may have, in order to provide a thorough understanding of how the procedure will be performed and the results that may be expected.
Researching your surgeon’s background is another important way to ensure you are an informed patient. Reviewing before-and-after albums and asking about board certification, training and professional achievements can confirm for you that you’ve made the right choice. A vital question to ask is always: How many of these procedures has the surgeon performed over the years?
Channel Your Focus
Once you’ve satisfied your mind about the choice you’ve made, concentrating on other tasks can help keep you from spending time second-guessing your decisions. Busy yourself with such preparations as buying groceries, planning favorite movies to watch and letting friends and family know you would enjoy some company during recovery.
For many patients, relaxation techniques work well. Calming music, yoga, long walks, and imagining the exciting new things you plan to do after recovery, will put your mind at ease. Picture the new you in the mirror, and imagine the people you’ll meet and the adventures you’ll enjoy with your rejuvenated look and renewed self-confidence.
For additional tips on preparing for surgery, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Foglietti or Dr. Fostyk by contacting Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery today.