Facelift surgery can transform the cheeks, jowls, and jaws, helping you look youthful and revitalized. It’s perfect if you’re looking to reverse signs of aging in the bottom two-thirds of your face — but what if you had a full-face transformation in mind?
Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift
The Foglietti Approach To Facelift Restores Your Natural Facial Contour
Facelift can help restore confidence and reverse the signs of aging. However, not all facelift techniques are the same. At Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery, Drs. Mark A. Foglietti and Alanna F. Fostyk use the Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift® technique. Dr. Foglietti relied on his many years of specialized training and experience to develop this approach…. Read More
These Plastic Surgeries Can Eliminate Loose Skin After Weight Loss
Congratulations! You managed to lose a substantial amount of weight, whether on your own or via bariatric surgery, and you look and feel so much better! There’s one drawback to losing a lot of weight: the excess skin left behind. Fortunately, various plastic surgeries can remove and tighten that extra skin so you can achieve… Read More
3 Benefits of the Foglietti Natural Vector Facelift
A facelift performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon can help you achieve a younger-looking face. Most patients undergoing facelift procedures want the results to look natural. They do not want to appear as if they have had their face “done,” they simply want to appear as the best version of themselves.