Upper arm flab and “bat wings” can worsen as you get older and may make you shy away from summer clothing and swimwear that bare your arms. Women are more likely to struggle with flabby arms because of different hormone levels and fat distribution, and losing weight and toning exercises may offer little to no improvement in this area. Drs. Foglietti and Fostyk offer brachioplasty, or arm lift, at our plastic surgery center in Cleveland.
What Can Brachioplasty Do for You?
Women over 50 are particularly prone to upper arm flab and loose skin caused by the gradual loss of skin elasticity. Brachioplasty is the ideal procedure to contour shapeless arms and provide a sculpted or toned upper arm area. The arm lift procedure removes fat pockets and the sagging skin that droops downward and forms the “bat wing” appearance. Our board-certified plastic surgeons may suction the fat cells away with liposuction or excise the fatty tissue.
Brachioplasty is best for adults with upper arm fat and significant skin laxity. You must be at a stable size and at or near your goal weight to qualify for arm lift. Patients also need to be healthy overall, as some medical conditions and medications may interfere with the healing process or increase surgical risks. If you smoke, you must quit several weeks or months before brachioplasty and stay away from tobacco throughout recovery for optimal healing and reduced risk of complications. Men and women interested in brachioplasty should have realistic expectations for what brachioplasty can accomplish for their arm contours.
How Is Arm Lift Performed?
Arm lift is an outpatient procedure performed with IV sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Mark A. Foglietti or Dr. Alanna Foglietti Fostyk will make an incision on the inside or back of the arm, and the incision pattern depends on the amount of loose skin tissue. The resulting scar is concealed by your torso and may extend from above the elbow up to the underarm area. Patients with minimal loose tissue may have a small incision in the underarm only.
One of our plastic surgeons removes the excess fat and tightens the supportive tissues with internal sutures. They will reshape the upper arm and smooth the skin over the new contour. The incisions are closed with stitches or absorbable sutures, and you’ll notice an improvement right away that gets better as the swelling and bruising subside.
To minimize swelling, you will have dressings or bandages over the incisions and a wrap or compression garment around your arm. Follow your post-operative recovery instructions for caring for the surgical site, take medications as directed, and reach out to our Cleveland office to discuss any concerns before your follow-up appointment.
Tired of “Bat Wings”? Schedule a Brachioplasty Consultation
If you’re interested in brachioplasty for upper arm flab, contact Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery in Beachwood, Ohio, at (216) 292-6800 to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.