Foglietti Fostyk Plastic Surgery | 22901 Millcreek Blvd. Suite 145, Beachwood, OH 44122

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I’m 44 years old and have developed wrinkles around my eyes and lines around my mouth. I’ve read ads for both Botox® and Juvéderm® XC but am confused about which would work best for me. Are there significant differences between the two products? Answer: Botox® and Juvéderm® XC are excellent products that function in completely different ways. In… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

What is the Foglietti Natural Vector Face Lift Technique®? The Foglietti Natural Vector Face Lift ® is a method of tightening the face in a manner that gives the most natural and relaxed appearance post surgically. This facelift technique tightens the facial tissue covering underlying muscle in multiple directions or vectors; which counteracts the sagging… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: My husband is a 43 year old man who exercises regularly but is still very self conscious about this appearance because he has breasts. (If you call them that on a man?) He won’t even go to the pool in the summer because he’s uncomfortable being shirtless in public. No matter how much he… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I was hoping you could clarify a disagreement that my sister and I are currently having. I have my 40th High School reunion coming up in August and her daughter is getting married in June. We both have a “wish list” of cosmetic procedures that we’re considering. I booked an appointment with your office… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

What is the Foglietti Natural Vector Face Lift Technique®? The Foglietti Natural Vector Face Lift ® is a method of tightening the face in a manner that gives the most natural and relaxed appearance post surgically. This facelift technique tightens the facial tissue covering underlying muscle in multiple directions or vectors; which counteracts the sagging… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I’ve read about lasers being used on the face to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles or skin discoloration. It sounds like something ‘™d like to do but right now I can’t afford it. Is there anything I can do for improvement while I save my pennies for a procedure like that? Answer:… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: Why is it that you see so many celebrities having bad plastic surgery? Some of them were very attractive people who are now morphed and look nothing like they did prior to surgery. They make their living on their looks; why wouldn’t they go to the best surgeon available to protect their assets? Answer:… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

What is the Foglietti Natural Vector Face Lift Technique®? The Foglietti Natural Vector Face Lift ® is a method of tightening the face in a manner that gives the most natural and relaxed appearance post surgically. This facelift technique tightens the facial tissue covering underlying muscle in multiple directions or vectors; which counteracts the sagging… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I developed cellulite in my thighs and bottom; even at my best weight it is still visible. What is the cause of cellulite and are there any treatments for it that really work? Answer: The dimpled or cottage cheese appearance is caused by the structural difference between cellulite fat and normal fat. Both cellulite… Read More

Ask The Surgeon, Cleveland Magazine

Question: I developed cellulite in my thighs and bottom; even at my best weight it is still visible. What is the cause of cellulite and are there any treatments for it that really work? Answer: The dimpled or cottage cheese appearance is caused by the structural difference between cellulite fat and normal fat. Both cellulite… Read More

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22901 Millcreek Blvd. Suite 145
Beachwood, OH 44122


(216) 292-6800

Office hours

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed